Sunday, June 7, 2009

Treat yourself Better

I was watching "Heart of Greed I", and just out of a sudden there was this very simple quote woke me up. When SUM attempt to delete off all Soi Muk Muk's ex bf sms and stuff in her hp, she said "Treat yourself better". This apply to me as i always soke myself or dive into problematic stuff willingly just because of some stupid perseverances. You call it stupid but I will always define it as a "Must" which will prevent the word "Regret". Recently I found that i do have a friend who need to forget about his past, but somehow i felt that the more you wanna forget about it,the more you will recall it. And to my surprise he can recall it in super detail. If i were to flash back my painful history, it would be a grey background or maybe mouldy shadow.Am not sure since when i was trained not to "Save" certain painful stuff. Somehow the impact was there, forever. But it would be no feel just a memory for old days. So I hope a person can really "Treat himself/ herself better". YOU deserved it.

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